All are welcome to this public theology forum during Wellington Pride Week to explore post-heteronormative ideas as they relate to Christian theology. It has now been well documented that the Bible traces a move from being monaltrous (worshipping one God in a pantheon of gods) to monotheistic (there is only one real God). This workshopContinue reading “Worshipping a Slutty God: Salvific and relational implications of a non-monogamous God”
Category Archives: News and events
Palestine, Performativity, and Prophetic Action
The images and stories coming out of Palestine are horrific and shocking — but, as Susan Sontag wrote, do these images have any power to tell a story or change a mind or only to shock? When people share these stories, reports, and images, especially online, what goals are there other than awareness? Whilst itContinue reading “Palestine, Performativity, and Prophetic Action”
XIV International Bonhoeffer Congress Conference Report
Scholars from all over the world gathered in Sydney, Australia for the fourteenth International Bonhoeffer Congress. Known in some circles as the “Bonhoeffer Olympics” due to its every four-year occurrence, this iteration of the congress explored the theme “crisis and hope.” Taking place over four days (not counting the meeting of PhD students before theContinue reading “XIV International Bonhoeffer Congress Conference Report”
Barbie’s Ken, men and Jesus
Four Dunedin lads took up the SCM challenge to ask what it means to be a man in the eyes of the big Hollywood moviemakers in August 2023.
2023 Anglo-Catholic Hui Reflection
My protestant roots run deep. Even after a near conversion to Roman Catholicism (what we colloquially call swimming the Tiber) ten years ago, I was hesitant when the theme for this year’s Anglo-Catholic Hui was announced to be the Blessed Virgin Mary. While I can affirm for Mary the theological title Theotokos, God-bearer, with theContinue reading “2023 Anglo-Catholic Hui Reflection”