A Senior Friend is someone who used to be a member of NZSCM/SCMA and who has not been an enrolled student in the last three years, and/or someone who wishes to support SCMA and our aims.
Services to the movement
Senior Friends are actively contributing in many ways:
- direct assistance with special projects such as this website, the maintenance of the Senior Friends database, history projects;
- supporting and speaking at meetings of the local groups;
- making regular and one-off donations to the SCMA Trust (which provides the long-term stable income for the movement’s administration), and donations to the Nesta Salmond Fund (which funds special movement building projects)
- remembering SCMA with bequests in their wills;
- coming to events and sharing wisdom and stories;
- sending children, grandchildren and other students to SCM meetings and this website
Senior Friends Database
If you wish to find a previous SCMA member, update your details on our Senior Friends database or just keep up to date with goings-on within the movement or please get in touch with our National Administrator at: natsec@scm.org.nz.