Submission to the ​​Justice Committee on the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Words and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill

May 2024 Student Christian Movement Aotearoa (SCMA) Tēnā koutou katoa Justice Committee: Student Christian Movement Aotearoa is a progressive Christian group in tertiary institutions across the Motu. We write to you as Christians committed to justice and God’s desire to see all flourish and as a movement committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We believeContinue reading “Submission to the ​​Justice Committee on the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Words and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill”

Submission on the Parole (Mandatory Completion of Rehabilitative Programmes) Amendment Bill

April 2024Student Christian Movement Aotearoa (SCMA) Tēnā koutou Justice Committee: Student Christian Movement Aotearoa is a progressive Christian group in tertiary institutions across the motu. We write with grave concerns about the Parole Amendment Bill and the effects it will have on those in prison. As Christians, we are called to seek out and showContinue reading “Submission on the Parole (Mandatory Completion of Rehabilitative Programmes) Amendment Bill”

Submission on Fast Track Approvals Bill

Submission to the Environment Committee on the Fast Track Approvals BillApril 2024Student Christian Movement Aotearoa (SCMA) Tēnā koutou katoa Environment Committee: Student Christian Movement Aotearoa is a progressive Christian group in tertiary institutions across the Motu. We believe that God desires all to flourish, and God’s desire for justice and flourishing informs the way weContinue reading “Submission on Fast Track Approvals Bill”

XIV International Bonhoeffer Congress Conference Report

Scholars from all over the world gathered in Sydney, Australia for the fourteenth International Bonhoeffer Congress. Known in some circles as the “Bonhoeffer Olympics” due to its every four-year occurrence, this iteration of the congress explored the theme “crisis and hope.” Taking place over four days (not counting the meeting of PhD students before theContinue reading “XIV International Bonhoeffer Congress Conference Report”

What does God Give a Sh*t About?

One of the most popular news accounts on social media among young people is called Shit You Should Care About. Run by three twenty-something New Zealanders, the account has 3.4 million followers and hundreds of thousands of views on each post. I have to be honest and I have not tracked with the account forContinue reading “What does God Give a Sh*t About?”

The Pope, Blessings, and Queer Visibility

Visibility matters. What’s on the outside matters. As a queer theologian, this seems like a given. But in the cartesian duality that permeates our social consciousness and conscience, it sometimes needs to be stated again.  This week in religious news, the big headline is something like: The Pope Allows Same-sex blessings. The best reporting onContinue reading “The Pope, Blessings, and Queer Visibility”

2023 Anglo-Catholic Hui Reflection

My protestant roots run deep. Even after a near conversion to Roman Catholicism (what we colloquially call swimming the Tiber) ten years ago, I was hesitant when the theme for this year’s Anglo-Catholic Hui was announced to be the Blessed Virgin Mary. While I can affirm for Mary the theological title Theotokos, God-bearer, with theContinue reading “2023 Anglo-Catholic Hui Reflection”